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Bette Midler - Superstar
Şarkı Adı: Superstar
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Long ago and so far away,
I fell in love with you before the second show.
And your guitar just sounds so sweet and clear,
but you're not really here.
It's just the radio.

Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby?
Said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby.
Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby.
I love you.

Lonliness is such a sad affair.
And I can hardly wait, oh,
just to sleep with you again.
What can I say to have you come again?
Come back and play, yeah,
you could play, you could play, play that sad guitar.

Don't you remember you told me you loved me, baby?
Yes, you said you'd be comin' back this way again, baby.
You called me baby, baby, baby, oh, baby.
I love you.

You know, lonliness is such a sad affair.
And I, I can hardly wait
just to sleep with him again.
What can I say to have him come back again?
He could come back and he could play,
play his sad guitar.
Don't you remember you told me you loved me?
Said you'd be coming back again, baby.
He called me baby.
Baby, baby, baby, oh, baby.
I love you, I really do.

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