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Bette Midler - One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
Şarkı Adı: One Monkey Don't Stop No Show
Söyleyen: Bette Midler - Tüm Şarkıları »
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My baby jumped up this morning,
'n' sat on the side of the bed.
He said, "I'm leaving you, baby."
And this is just what I said.
I said, "I can't make you stay if you want to go,
but it's high time, baby, that you should know,

one monkey don't stop no show.
One monkey don't stop no show.
So, if you still wanna go, go ahead."
And I mean every word I said.

My baby thought I was jivinand he went right out the door.
He left me about three in the morning.
I got me a man at four.
Some women cry when their men bleed 'em
dry, long and slow,
but I found out somethin' a long time ago.

One monkey don't stop no show.
One monkey don't stop no show.
So if he gets too big for his pants
you better spring that new one and give him a chance.

I used to be chicken hearted;
cry when he'd walk out the door,
'cause I was just young and stupid.
Ha! Ain't like that no more.
'Cause I had a hard way to go,
but I learned the score.
And I'm here to tell you,
and I should know,

one monkey don't stop no show.
One monkey don't stop no show.
Let him do anything he choose.
There's a million men who can fill his shoes.

One monkey don't stop no show.
One monkey don't stop no show.
One monkey don't stop no show.
You can tell him I told you so.

"All right."

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