21 Eylül 2024
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Bette Midler - Small World
Şarkı Adı: Small World
Söyleyen: Bette Midler - Tüm Şarkıları »
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[Rose:] Funny, you're a stranger who's come here,
come from another town.
Funny, I'm a stranger myself here.
Small world, isn't it?

Funny, you're a man who goes traveling
rather than settling down.
Funny, 'cause I'd love to go traveling.
Small world, isn't it?

We have so much in common,
it's a phenomenon.
We could pool our resources
by joining forces from now on.

Lucky, you're a man who likes children.
That's an important sign.
Lucky, I'm a woman with children.
Small world, isn't it?
Funny, isn't it small and funny and fine?

[Herbie:] We have so much in common,
it's a phenomenon.
We could pool our resources
by joining forces from now on.

[R:] Lucky, you're a man who likes children.
[H:] That's an important sign.
[R:] Lucky,
[H:] You're a
[R & H:] woman with children.
Small world, isn't it?
[R:] Funny, isn't it
[H:] isn't it
[R & H:] small and funny and fine?

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