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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
In-quest - Xylad-valox
Şarkı Adı: Xylad-valox
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Pride, my pride, I'm your thought
Proud, pay debt in the name of sorrow
The light, it came, as itself
Blind, you're blind,
I'm your soul,
I soon will take your heart
Your heart
Sure I'll take your heart
Your heart
Christ denial, maturation
In my commune of the nowhere zone
Custody of your feelings,
Mesmerize your behaviour,
Here I'll turn you into my hand
Without rejection, REJECTION
You will become part of my hate yeah,
Crawl in the mud for my satisfaction,
Bunch of weak and lowly call my mighty name,
You ask me to send my unholy blessings
How do you measure the quality of your life in sin?
Place your trust in my feeling
Such sweet sadness
Our bouncing reborn nation,
You will give your life for
United by hatred
Another creature rules your life
The servants obedient
It is the force of hate
I want you to pray for me,
Get down on your knees and pray for me,
Pray for the almighty, pray for me
Pray for the almighty
Your devotion, immortalize me
Christ denial,
Maturation in my commune
You will become part of my love yeah,
Crawl in the mud for my satisfaction
Mesmerize your behaviour,
Place your trust in my blessings
Our bouncing reborn nation,
Is this your contribution?
New disciples will rise
I don't need you, bumbling moronic fools

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In-quest Şarkıları

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