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In-quest - Reverberating Human Callousness
Şarkı Adı: Reverberating Human Callousness
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Information filtered fragments, reality pumped into the retina
I can't step aside and let them make me blind
Reflections, one has always pondered, about the meaning
The essence why one should lead this life
Erase emotions, erase the past
Initiate a global apathic disorder...
Hidden behind incapable leadership
A callous mass of mindless fools
Follow in your footsteps to decorate the pedestool
Pull the trigger in your subconscious...
Brainwaves erased... no more... I won't take it
No more... I'm gonna tear it apart, and spit truth, in your, eyes
Callous, my life, passed me by - no more...
Social pressure, won't break me any more
Brainwaves erased... no more... I won't take it
No more... I'm gonna tear it apart, and spit truth, in your, eyes...
Callous, my life, passed me by no more
Social pressure, won't break me any more
Information filtered through my opened eyes
I'm self aware, and on the rise...
Brainwaves erased... no more... I won't take it
No more... I'm gonna tear it apart, and spit truth, in your, eyes
I am not your God
I am not your nemesis
I am worse than the above
I am a conscious, man...
Man was made to oppress and, ruin all
Kill them all...

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