21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
T-Pain - Suicide
Şarkı Adı: Suicide
Söyleyen: T-Pain - Tüm Şarkıları »
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I've sat here thinkin bout you all night Girl
Damn, i can't conrol myself no more girl and it's killin me
I can't take this pain no more can you feel me?
I wish you could see the control you have over me
All them boys in the streets wonderin what im doin where im at
I aint seen you in a while and after all this time you still
Aint called.. I've had the bullet in the gun and when I
Decide to pull the trigger this vision comes in my mind
I see your smile glarin up at me sayin baby i love you.
Your eyes sparklin in the light
What are you doin to me? What was your plan.
You know i love you girl but i can't take this pain
I'm busy drivin round town too early in the mornin
Your on my mind and i wonder after all this time
Do you remember this road we road down together
When i first said i love you and meant it
You looked up at me as i pulled to a stop at this bridge
Then spoke the words that keeps ringin in my head and
Now im back at this same spot..replayin that very same night
Just about when i get ready to run it off the bridge
I see your smile glarin up at me sayin baby i love you
Your eyes sparklin in the light
What are you doin to me? What was your plan?
You know i love you girl but i can't take this pain
I walkin the lonely streets and i come up to your door steps
Lookin through you window hoping to find you asleep
But what i didn't want to see was you in the arms of another
Knowing he's what you want i can't help to remember
When it was me
I can't take it no more now im headed to the lake
The thoughts in my mind of what im doin
WOuld it even bother you if i died for you or because of you
As im ready to jump all i picture is
Your smile glarin up at me sayin baby i love you
Your eyes sparklin in the light
What are you doin to me? What was your plan?
You know i love you girl but i can't take this pain
I see your smile glarin up at me sayin baby i love you
Your eyes sparklin in the light
What are you doin to me? What was your plan?
You know i love you girl but i can't take this pain

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T-Pain Şarkıları

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