21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Like Moths To Flames - Shapeshifter
Şarkı Adı: Shapeshifter
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[Deluxe Edition Track]
I saw the change in your eyes
You're someone else
Must be hard to live with yourself
Just know that we're not wishing you well
Why even put up a fight?
It must be hard to know that
Life was really never on your side
They tried to tell me how to live
I never bought their bullshit
I watched them pulling you in
I'll draw the line
You crossed it
They tried to tell me how to live
But I was smart enough
To make the choices I did
And have the life that I'd want
How does it feel to see
The things you want in front of me?
How does it feel to see
The things you want in my hands?
Give up, you can't hang
So sad to say
Your emotions get in the way
What a fucking waste
We're so sick of all the shit you say
Just shut up
You run your fucking mouth too much
You won't amount to much
So pathetic
Jealously will kill you if you let it
I saw the change in your eyes
You're someone else
Must be hard to live with yourself
Just know that we're not wishing you well
Why even put up a fight
It must be hard to know
Life was never really ever on your side
They tried to tell me how to live
I never bought their bullshit
I watched them pulling you in
I'll draw the line
You crossed it
They tried to tell me how to live
But I was strong enough to make my own decisions
This is the last time that you will jump down
My throat about what I've done wrong
I think that you should know
We can do this without you
We're better off without you
I won't be the one to save you
From the failure that consumes your life
I won't be the one to save you
I was never on your side
We can do this without you
We're better off without you

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