21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Example - Playing In The Shadows
Şarkı Adı: Playing In The Shadows
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I got someone waiting at home for me staring out the door and I'll wanna
Stay in the zone till 3, all those calls ignored tomorrow she'll probably
Disown me, happy no more, keep falling into shadows, I'm playing in the
Shadows all night long, so good to play with bad girls I'm still young,
They keep on saying hello I know what they want, you'll find me on the
She's always ringing my phone you see, laying down the law, keep trying to
Speak to her honestly, so she knows the score, maybe 1 day I'll be lonely,
Knocking down the door, keep falling into shadows, I'm playing in the
Shadows all night long, so good to play with bad girls I'm still young,
They keep on saying hello I know what they want, you'll find me on the
You'll find me in the shadows [x2]
I got someone waiting at home for me staring out the door and I'll wanna
Stay in the zone till 3, all those calls ignored tomorrow she'll probably
Disown me, happy no more, keep falling into shadows
Playing in the shadows [x3]
Playing in the shadows, people call it shallow
Tell me something I don't know [x2]
Playing in the shadows, people call it shallow
Maybe 1 day I'll be lonely, knocking down the door, keep falling into
Shadows, I'm playing in the shadows all night long, so good to play with
Bad girls I'm still young, they keep on saying hello I know what they want,
You'll find me on the shadows
You'll find me in the shadows [x5]

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