21 Eylül 2024
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Clay Walker - Boogie Till The Cows Come Home
Şarkı Adı: Boogie Till The Cows Come Home
Söyleyen: Clay Walker - Tüm Şarkıları »
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Görüntüleme: 644

There's a wood stove in the corner
There's saw dust on the floor
They've got a flashing neon lone star sign
Hangin' by the door
All they sell is beer and setups
So you'll have to bring your own
But when they play that swing it only means one thing
You're gonna boogie till the cows come home
'Faded Love' and 'Milk Cow Blues'The Oklahoma Stomp' and 'Born to loseTip your hat to the 'Rose of San AntoneHere we go with the 'Cotton Eyed JoeWe're gonna boogie till the cows come home
It's an old Southwest tradition
And a guaranteed good time
And there's people of all ages here

From one to ninety-nine
Even if you show up by yourself
You don't have to be alone
'Cause when they play that swing it only means one thing
You're gonna boogie till the cows come home
'Faded Love' and 'Milk Cow Blues'The Oklahoma Stomp' and 'Born to loseTip your hat to the 'Rose of San AntoneHere we go with the 'Cotton Eyed JoeWe're gonna boogie till the cows come home
'Faded Love' and 'Milk Cow Blues'The Oklahoma Stomp' and 'Born to loseTip your hat to the 'Rose of San AntoneHere we go with the 'Cotton Eyed JoeWe're gonna boogie till the cows come home
'Faded Love' and 'Milk Cow Blues'The Oklahoma Stomp' and 'Born to loseTip your hat to the 'Rose of San AntoneHere we go with the 'Cotton Eyed JoeWe're gonna boogie till the cows come home
Here we go with the 'Cotton Eyed JoeWe're gonna boogie till the cows come home

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Clay Walker Şarkıları

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