21 Eylül 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Aretha Franklin - Call Me
Şarkı Adı: Call Me
Söyleyen: Aretha Franklin - Tüm Şarkıları »
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I love you (I love you)

An I love you (I love you)

And I love you too (and I love you)

Baby will you call me the moment you get there?

Hey baby, um-hum

And I love you (I love you)

And I love you too (I love you)

And I love you (and I love you)

Baby will you

(Call me) call me (the moment) the moment

(You get there) you get there? yeah

Yeeeeaaaah, bab-bay-a-yea-yea

My dearest, my dearest of all darling (ah-ooo)

I know, I know, I know

I know we've got to part


Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby

It really doens't hurt me that bad yeah (ah-ooo)

Because you're takin' me with you

And I'm keepin' you

Right-a here in my heart

It's all because I love you (I love you)

Woo-hoo and I love you (I love you)

And I love you too (and I love you)

Baby will ya call me the moment you get there, bab-ay

Will you do that?

Will you do that for me now?

Oh-oh-oh-oh, call me

(Call me) call me the hour

(The hour) Call me the minute (the minute)

The second that you get there?

Baby, baby, baby, baby, call me (the moment)

Call me the moment (call me)

Cause I love you call me the minute (the moment)

Yeah, yeah, call me, call me, call me, call me, call me, bab-ay

Yeah, yeah, yeah (call me)

Call me the hour

(The hour)

Call me the moment ya get there?

(Don't forget, don't forget)

(Don't forget about me bab-ay)

No don't forget about me bab-ay

(Baby) I love you

(Baby) call me!

(And when you get there

Call me, call me, call me


Call me baby

(Call me) call me the hour (the hour)

Call me the minute, the hour, the second

(Call me, call me, call me, call me, call me bab-ay

Yeah, call me baby (the minute)

Call me the minute (second) the second

Don't forget about the hour (don't forget, don't forget

About me bab-ay)

Don't forget, don't forget about me bab-ay

(The moment) call me the moment

(Call me) caaall me


(You got to call me

(call me, call me, call me, call me bab-ay)

Oh yeah...

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Aretha Franklin Şarkıları

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