26 Haziran 2024
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Şarkıcıya Göre: A, B, C-Ç, D, E, F, G, H, I-İ, J, K, L, M, N, O-Ö, P, R, S, T, U-Ü, V, Y, Z...
Antalgia - When The Lights Go Down
Şarkı Adı: When The Lights Go Down
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[Music: Antalgia & lyrics: Igna Jover]

Let me feel your hands to lead me on this way.
I'm alone out in the coldness of my dreams.
Blessed sunlight shine on me, reviving my heart.
In the silence of darkness, I'll meet you again.

When the lights go down I'll search for the bright of your eyes.
Darling, please come to take me.
When the time comes I'll be ready to follow your trail to the end.
I hear your voice. You are calling my name from the haze of the angels dressed in black.
When the lights go down I'll be happy to embrace you again, my love.

My memories fade away.
Can't be taken along with me.
But remember they live in you as you go through the rest of your life.
Honey, don't be afraid.
I'll be guiding your way each day.
Call me, I'll be right by your side.
I wish you could see what I saw in the other side.
I felt her warmth and softness against my skin.
My little star, I won't let you fall.
I'll be there where you are.

When the lights go down I'll search for the bright of your eyes.
Darling, please come to take me.
When the time comes I'll be ready to follow your trail to the end.
I hear your voice. You are calling my name from the haze of the angels dressed in black.
When the lights go down I'll be happy to embrace you again, my love.

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